During times like these we tend to worry about our businesses instead of being proactive and planning for a future when this emergency has passed. In the case of your Maui vacation rental this is the time to plan for upgraded photography for your listing. While cancellations are extraordinarily distressing and our tendency is to cut back on all our expenses, preparing to upgrade you photography will place you ahead of your competition when the economy comes back and the competition for vacation units will be fierce. There will be a huge supply of vacancies and price, amenities, and location will be the deciding factors for your potential renters. Keeping eyeballs on your listing long enough for your potential clients to assess your property is a challenge that requires dynamic updated imagery. That's our job and we do it well. We have photographed thousands of properties over the last 20 years and have the google reviews to prove that our Maui photography services and standards lead the industry. Call us for a quote. You're probably working from home anyway right now and hopefully strategizing about what comes next and how to capitalize on our current economic challenges. 1-808-385-2247

Why you should be ready to upgrade your vacation rental photography
Joe D'Alessandro / Maui Commercial Photographers